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Indalo Inclusive SA was a hosting partner of SEED SOUTH AFRICA from March 2018- March 2021

to promote entrepreneurship for sustainable development.

Previous Work

Strengthen Enterprise Ecosystems

We worked with partners at the national and international level to enhance the quality and capacities of business development service (BDS) providers. This improved the business environment of social and environmental enterprises, facilitating access to advisory services and ultimately, access to finance. This, we did through the provision of toolkits, the implementation of Training of Trainers and the co-development of an international standard for BDS providers.

Shaping Green and Inclusive Policies

We gathered evidence on how social and environmental enterprises grow, which barriers they face and which measurable impacts they achieve. Thus, it provided key insights for national and international policy-makers. This promoted enabling frameworks and improved market conditions for social and environmental enterprises. Through these policy insights, we advocated the development and implementation of green and inclusive private sector policies accelerating entrepreneurial solutions to policy- and decision-makers.

Building Partnerships for Impact

Indalo Inclusive in corporation with adelphi hosted Symposia, National Dialogue Fora and Workshops that stimulated an exchange of experiences and peer-learning while also triggering South-South collaboration. This enhanced partnerships between and within all involved stakeholders to support the systemic uptake of entrepreneurial solutions to social and environmental problems.

Support for Eco-Inclusive Enterprises

Indalo Inclusive, previously under the stewardship of SEED supports enterprises from the early stages of inspiration to the acceleration, scaling up and replication of proven eco-inclusive business models through the SEED StarterSEED CatalyserSEED Accelerator, and SEED Replicator programmes.

Each of these support packages was framed under the SEED Enterprise Blueprint: a framework based on Critical Success Factors that provides a step-by-step guide to inclusive and green growth drawing on a comprehensive toolbox. Each module is geared by a set of interactive and/or self-help tools designed by SEED to empower enterprises and help them scale up their businesses.